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...Cashmere Mist Deodorant by Donna Karan

Let me not bury the lede: $29.99 deodorant is the best, most absurd purchase I've made in a very long time; thanks 2020.

Cashmere Mist Deodorant by Donna Karan has been on my radar for a long time. It has a cultish-like following, and is always on the beauty holy-grail lists. I know myself far too well to have ever trusted me with trying it out. Why? It has all the makings of something I love (ridiculous, expensive, hard to find.) 

Sunday was a tough day on the 'ronacoaster, so I threw years' long caution to the wind, and tracked down this purchase. Did I mention it's sold out everywhere? I ended up driving very far to buy the last two sticks I located in Miami. 

I'm on day two of my new deodorant/anti-perspirant, and I've already personally telephoned two people to tell them to buy it, and I'm writing this blog. The scent is lovely, the application is smooth, it's colorless, and gets a 10/10 on stopping the Miami heat from getting to my clothing.

You need this. I hope you already stopped reading this and are off to try and find it. Grab one for Ana Mari if you do, I am not giving her my unwrapped second bottle.

Comments on this post (1)

  • Sep 16, 2020

    You had me at ridiculous and hard to find. Of course I’m trying to hunt it down now.

    — Patty

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